Guides (Tutorials)
InterPoL for Token Launchpads: Launching a Rugproof Memecoin on a Partner Launchpad
If you're launching a memecoin on one of our partner launchpads where InterPoL has already been integrated, the creation and setup of your InterPoL liquidity locker will be automated. Here's what to do:
- Launch your token on the Partner Launchpad.
- After launch, visit the InterPoL app to manage your automatically created locker— stake your LP position, manage rewards, delegate BGT, and more.
InterPoL for Token Creators: Manual Liquidity Locking
For users launching tokens without a partner platform, you can manually lock liquidity by following these steps:
- Launch your token using your preferred method.
- Go to the InterPoL app and select "Create a Locker".
- Deposit your LP tokens into the newly created locker and choose either a temporary lock or permanent lock.
- Manage your locker by staking and claiming rewards.
- (optional) Delegate reward tokens (such as BGT) to validators.
Playing Proof of Liquidity with InterPoL
Proof of Liquidity integrates across the entire Berachain ecosystem, offering various protocols and platforms where users can engage in DeFi activities based on their liquidity management strategies. Ultimately, those who most efficiently manage their liquidity position s will benefit the most from PoL's rewards. InterPoL serves as one of these key access points empowering token creators and liquidity providers to optimize how they interact with PoL. Here's how to get started:
Create or Manage a Locker: Set up a new liquidity locker or manage an existing one within the InterPoL app.
Deposit LP Tokens: Lock LP tokens into the locker. If your liquidity pool is whitelisted for BGT emissions, then your locker will automatically receive any eligible BGT rewards.
Access the BGT Dashboard: Visit the "BGT" tab in the InterPoL app to view and manage your BGT tokens.
Delegate your BGT: Delegate BGT tokens to a validator, allowing you to earn additional rewards while actively participating in the PoL flywheel.
Activate Boosts: Once BGT has been delegated, unlock boosts to enhance your rewards and further optimize your BGT strategy.